Monday, December 17, 2007

Well I just opened up my "UNITED NEWSLINE" December 2007 newletter and top story is their 8.4% price increase. So now this is all the more reason to strive to save electricity and "cut the cord". Why be subject yourself to constant inflation?

Our last bill was $57.00 and averages about that amount monthly. An 8.4% increase will add another $4.79 to it. That is $57.48 a year if we do nothing. It all adds up. That is what they do. Increase it little by little and the next thing you know your prices double...and guess what you have NOTHING to show for the service they give you nor do you own a thing either. You are a slave to their every whim and these are companies that fight renewable energy tooth and nail because they know that renewables reduce their revenue and at the same time they lose control over you as a customer. The exception is if THEY own the renewable energy source like a wind farm. Then they are all for is all about who control the revenue stream- you or them.

At present we are buying (renting) the electric service from a local Co-op called United Power.

Remember all systems in a house are interconnected. By insulating your windows at night (the sun here heats the house nicely during the day with our great south west exposure) the heat loss will be much less and therefore the MOTOR on our furnace will also operate less. So hopefully we will not see that price increase in our coming bills because by the time the price increase takes effect we will have decreased our electric bill by that percentage thus giving us the same electric bill as before.

As the saying goes. "Somethings got to "give" our case we are negating the current rate increase by reducing our heat loss. Once we "cut the cord" we will be done with ALL price increases sooner and get all our electricity form clean ON SITE energy. On site energy is the future of energy delivery and coupled with energy efficieny cannot be beat and will be the most economical way to have energy for your use.

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